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Anastasia's Podcast

Jun 27, 2022

Do Pluto transits through the signs correlate with generational shifts? Do all boomers have their Pluto in the sign of Leo? What is your relationship with your generation according to your Pluto sign and its position in your natal chart? Listen to this episode to find out more. 



Jun 24, 2022

This one is raw, it's honest, and it's part of my life story. This is how I got where I am now. This is what took me down a spiritual path and led me to astrology, to think about life from a totally new lens and to this podcast. I hope you enjoy it. 

If you'd like to send me a question or you would like a reading with...

Jun 16, 2022

Noah Frere is an astrophysicist, astrologer, and writer. Noah and I dove deep into the mythology of Persephone and the astrology of the goddess. Noah and I also shared examples and stories. 


To connect with Noah follow the link to his website:

Or find him on Instagram at @astronomologer


Jun 12, 2022

What is a past life regression? How do I really feel about them? And should you try past life regression as a healing tool? 

Dr Brian Weiss past - life regression meditation:

Michael Newton Program &...

Jun 7, 2022

Well, this is it—the first episode of the "journals" series. Here is the story that I've been terrified to talk about, but I am all about stepping into my fears now. I spill the tea about the first couple of years of my awakening (spiritual awakening, not the socio-political one). Stay tuned for the next episodes to...